IWAVE, INC. Address is , , Makati City, Metro Manila, NCR, Philippines, 1200. The member type is Supplier. The government organization type is . The status of the IWAVE, INC. is Active

IWAVE, INC. Details

, , Makati City, Metro Manila, NCR, Philippines, 1200
Information Technology
INTELLIGENT WAVE PHILIPPINES, INC. (IWAVE) is one of the leading Information Technology companies that specializes in ON-LINE TRANSACTION PROCESSING (OLTP) and other business applications. Our 20 more than years in the industry gave us an opportunity to develop our own products such as ATMPack, CCPack, SwitchPack and BrokeragePack. We are also a reseller of FircoSoft (World's No. 1 Filtering Solution) products and DirectFN (NextGen Brokerage Platform) products in the Philippines.
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