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Search For Companies

Enter company name (For Exp:- Abb Ltd)
Enter Location (For Exp:- Delhi)
Enter Industry Type (For Exp:- steel)

Data Gemba is a new generation search engine having a database of more than 15,00,000 companies, industry , Industrial Communities and over 35,000 School, colleges, universities, coaching and there respective concern / contact person in your area. You can find and select best in them.

Data Gemba is a company who is providing a facility to search Companies Database, Schools Database which is of high quality .People generally asked about the quality and authenticity of the data, we checked quality and authenticity of data by various methods, available software in the market and tools also checked by manual calling and by sending emails up to an extent randomly but even also we are not claiming that this data is 100% accurate.

Data Gemba take no responsibility as to the accuracy, correctness, reliability, currentness, timeliness, non-infringement, title, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose of the content. We shall also not be liable for any damage or loss of any kind, as a result of reliance on the contents as provided aforesaid. If you have any query regarding above details or want to update/remove/unlist company details, Please mail us at [email protected], We’ll take action as soon as possible.